Hello friends! It’s time for a new card challenge over at Cards in Envy. The theme is Love Me or Love My Pet. Create a love card or better yet, one featuring a pet.

I used some older Doodlebug papers and a darling pet stamp set by MFT for my card. One of my nephews loves dogs, so I’ll be giving him this card for his upcoming birthday.

Sketch – MFT #415

Paper – Doodlebug – Puppy Love collection

Sentiment and image stamp – MFT

Stitched circle die – Lawn Fawn

Small circle punch – McGill

Markers – Copic

Ink – Lawn Fawn and Reverse Confetti

Highlighted supplies

Below are links to some of the products used in this post. These are affiliate links that will help me offset the costs of creating these cards.  When purchased through these links, I receive a small commission that does not affect the price you pay.  I appreciate your viewing my blog and the support you provide.

Doodlebug 6×6 paper pad – Puppy Love

Lawn Fawn Lawn Cuts – Small Stitched Circle dies

Lawn Fawn Lawn Cuts – Large Stitched Circle dies

Tonic Studios – guillotine paper trimmer

Scotch – Pink ATG (Advanced Tape Glider)

Be sure to check out the rest of the Cards in Envy design team’s cards. I’d love for you to play along with our card challenge. Just remember to keep your card fairly flat so it fits nicely in an envelope.

Thanks for visiting my blog today!

11 Replies to “Cards in Envy – Love Me or Love My Pet”

  • This is adorable, Kristie. What a fun theme for a paper set and you used a great sketch to show the papers off. That's a cute puppy, too. I'm sure your nephew will love this card!

  • That is the perfect sketch for this paper – or the other way around! Either way, this card is great and I adore that happy dog and his bone! (I seem to recall you did a 6 x 6 tutorial with this paper. Did you get a second pad? Cuz that's what I would have done–it's so cute!!) #iamadoodlebugaddict! Thank you for sharing this!

  • Thank you, Jeanne! I don't own very many dog stamp sets and should probably buy a few more. It would make Penny happy. 🙂

  • Thank you, Jennifer! Yes, I actually did a full video using this paper collection. Every once in awhile, I do purchase 2 of the DB paper pads. (iamadoodlebugaddictaswell) Although the reason I had to buy a second one was because after I first started the video, I had some major computer issues and lost all the footage. So, I needed to buy another paper pad and start over after getting my computer working again. Ugh to computer problems.

  • Oh no!! Ugh is right–computers can be so frustrating! I guess if you had to redo a paper pad video, Doodlebug wouldn't be the worst one to repeat. Knocking on wood that your computer cooperates in the future!

  • I'm just glad I'm married to tech support. Lol! He's been so helpful with my YouTube channel and videos. I just replaced my camera since I have been having issues with it. ( I think I overworked my camera last year.) Still working out a few bugs, but overall I think it looks good.

  • 🙂 It's good to be married to tech support! (I am as well). I think the new camera is looking good–I am sure you did overwork your old one. You have been very busy!!

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