Several weeks ago, one of my husband’s coworkers literally saved his life. It was during lunchtime. A piece of food got caught in my husband’s throat and he started choking. Actual choking that cut off his air supply. He said he started to see stars as the world began going black. That’s where his coworker stepped up and performed the heimlich maneuver. Thankfully, it worked.

My husband asked me to make a thank you card. I’ve never actually made a card thanking someone for saving a life before. And since I couldn’t really focus on an idea, I decided to search Pinterest. I found a card from Joanne Basile, a former MFT design team member. I completely CASEd her card. I’m grateful to Joanne for posting a perfect card design so I could think about my husband and not about the card while making it.

As a crafter, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with CASEing (Copy and Share Everything) another crafter’s work. Just remember to give credit. We need to support one another and not just steal each others work.

Card inspiration – Joanne Basile

Stamp – Lawn Fawn

Stitched circle die cut – Lil Inker Designs

Circle die cuts – unknown

Stitched rectangle die cut – My Favorite Things

Banner die cut – My Favorite Things

Button die cut – Memory Box

Twine – the Twinery

Ink – Reverse Confetti

Thanks for visiting my blog today!

8 Replies to “You’re a Lifesaver”

  • Wow–that is scary! Yikes! So thankful his coworker was there and knew what to do. That is a beautiful card, too. Take care!

  • Your husband was very lucky to have someone close by to help him.. and a great thank you card too..such a clever idea.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  • So glad you husband had his coworkers handy! What a horrible fright that was. Love the card. It was very appropriate.

  • Oh my goodness! I'm so glad your husband is okay and that the co-worker knew how to do the Heimlich! Your card is a wonderful design and I'm sure the co-worker will appreciate your thoughtfulness. I totally CASE cards all the time, and always give credit. This community is great for supporting one another. Hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂

  • Definitely scary! I'm am very grateful to his coworker. And small world, his coworker has the same first name as our son. Seth.

  • Thank you, Jeanne! I believe the man was previously an EMT, so that was definitely a blessing. I don't CASE cards very often and I never share them on my blog if I can't find the original source. And usually I'll change the card and make it my own. But this time, Joanne's card design was already perfect. She definitely deserves all the credit.

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