My daughter recently turned 8 years old. My sweet baby girl is growing up so quickly. She has such a joyful spirit and I am so grateful to be her mama. She’s my little crafty buddy and we share a craft room. Since she just loves giraffes, I decided to borrow a friend’s Lawn Fawn shadow box die and make her a little giraffe party. The die is definitely fun, but I’ll admit this card took me a couple hours to make. Now that I have it figured out, it will be much easier next time.

Shadow box die – Lawn Fawn

Stamps – Lawn Fawn and Reverse Confetti

Paper – Carta Bella – True Friends collection

Markers – Copic

Ink – Lawn Fawn

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7 Replies to “Lawn Fawn Shadow box card – Giraffe party”

  • Oh my gosh!! This is absolutely fabulous. Happy birthday (belated) to your sweet daughter. Eight is a fun age!! How wonderful for you to have a sweet crafting buddy. What special memories you two must make together. Back to your box card. I adore how colorful this is. Love the idea of a giraffe party. So fun! Great job, Kristie!

  • Thank you, Jeanne! This was a fun card to make and I can't wait to try another shadow box card. (Especially now that I figured it out.) My daughter had a great birthday. She organized several crafts for her friends to do during her party. She's definitely my daughter. Lol!

  • Wow–8 years old–Happy Birthday! So sweet that she had a crafting party, too. That has to be the cutest giraffe collection I have ever seen–I love all the bright colors you chose and those birdies are adorable, especially on the outside of the frame! She must have been over the moon about this card.

  • Thank you, Jennifer! I can't believe she's already 8 years old. She is such a blessing in my life. She received all kinds of fun giraffe things for Christmas and her birthday, so my card fit the theme perfectly. Her favorite gift was an adult coloring book filled with giraffes. (It was from her big brother.) Her eyes were huge when she opened it. 🙂

  • What an absolutely terrific party that must have been. Yep, she takes after her mom and that's a wonderful thing!

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