I finished up my Echo Park – Scoot 6×6 paper pad. This one was very fun with lots of cheerful and bright colors. It was perfect for making kids cards for Operation Write Home. My grand total came to 28 cards and although it’s not a lot, I couldn’t fit them all in one picture because I made so many different style cards this time. I participated in lots of challenges this month, so I think that’s the reason for the wider variety of cards.

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5 Replies to “Echo Park’s Scoot – 28 cards from one 6×6 paper pad”

  • What a great group of cards Kristie and just perfect for OWH too because it seems like you got a lot of different recipients covered from the kids to the guys.

  • Your cards are always so inspirational. You do great things with the 6" x 6". Love the ones with circles… I've got circles out the ying yang. A CASEable moment is in the works… 🙂

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