Hello friends! It’s so hard to believe we are heading into a new year in less than 2 weeks. I’m excited to see what 2022 will bring.

I want to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas season. I hope it is filled with joy. πŸ’—

Before I sent off or donated my 2021 Christmas cards, I recorded a quick video recap of them.

Watch the video below or clickΒ HERE to see it on YouTube.

Or, go HERE to watch it on Rumble.

I made a total of 278 Christmas cards in 2021.

Many were given to the residents at a nearby retirement home. Many were donated to a local charity. I sold some in my Etsy shop and the rest were sent to friends and family.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.
I appreciate your kindness and support! πŸ’—

5 Replies to “Christmas cards of 2021”

  • Every single card is beautiful!! And every on has made/will make someone so very happy! Merry Christmas!! Thanks for the recap!

  • Your my very favorite card maker! Thank you for sharing your crafting. It means so much to me. This coming year I’m going to try and use the papers I have (too many before I buy more) I know you’ve heard that before.
    God bless you and Merry Christmas!

  • You are amazing Kristie! So many people benefit from the cards you make and the videos you record and share. Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family! May the new year bring you much joy, success and fun new card supplies! Crafty hugs!

  • Have you made your cards yet from all the scraps you had left from your card making videos? I’m looking forward to seeing what you do

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