January is Glaucoma Awareness month. It’s probably a disease many people don’t think about very often. But did you know that over 3 million people in the United States have glaucoma? It’s called the “sneak thief of sight” because there are no symptoms and once the vision is lost, it’s gone for good. Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness. While there is currently no cure, vision loss can be slowed or prevented with early detection.

I was diagnosed with glaucoma in my late 30’s. I’m so grateful for medical advancements that made it possible to detect the disease in the early stages. And perhaps, in my lifetime a cure will be found.

I share this with you as a reminder to get your eyes checked every year. It’s a simple and pain-free test. And it just may save your sight.

Sketch – MFT #366

Grey polka dot paper – Cleaver Handmade – Heidi Kress

Sentiment – Custom-made

Stitched banner die – My Favorite Things

Stitched mod square die – My Favorite Things

Ribbon die – Paper Smooches

Circle dies for eye – Lawn Fawn

Ink – Lawn Fawn

White gel pen – Signo

Thanks for visiting my blog today!

8 Replies to “Always Under Pressure”

  • Your card is terrific and the message is so important! Thanks for sharing both. I agree with Beverly, that eye looks amazing! 🙂

  • Thank you! There aren't a lot of cards out there promoting glaucoma awareness. But I feel it's important to remind people to take care of their eyes.

  • Thank you, Jeanne! I made a similar card last January. I really haven't seen any other glaucoma awareness cards. But it is always a good reminder to take card of our eyes.

  • Great card for a great cause! I love that eye!! I get checked every year but it's nice to get a reminder!

  • My dad has both glaucoma and macular degeneration, so I make sure I get tested every year. His went untreated even after symptoms started, cause ya know, men are stubborn and it will go away. Or not. And glaucoma does *not* go away. Kudos to you for reminding us all to get checked, and for having to deal with the, well, pressure of having the condition (forgive the unintended pun), and at such a young age too.

  • That's too bad about your dad. I agree, men are very stubborn. I'm glad to hear you are getting tested regularly. Early detection is so important. Thank you for your kind words and I did laugh about the pun. Have a wonderful day!

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