Welcome to the second post of my 6×6 Series. I’m using one 6×6 paper pad to make cards and won’t stop until it’s all gone. If you’re new to my 6×6 Paper Pad Tutorial, check it out HERE.

The sketch I used today is from Mojo Monday. They have been providing card sketches for several years and I highly recommend checking out their site. The sketch I used was designed for a square card. But since I rarely made square cards, I figured out measurements for an A2 card instead.

I made a total of 4 similar cards using this sketch.

Sketch – Mojo Monday # 432

Paper – Lily Bee Design – Buttercup

Stamp – The Stamps of Life

Embossing folder – Darice

Inks – Versafine and Tim Holtz Ranger Distress

Brads – Eyelet Outlet

The current card total is 7 cards.

Thanks for visiting my blog today!

*Card sketch image used with permission.

8 Replies to “6×6 Blog Post Series – Part Two”

  • Super cute card. WE apparently had the same color thoughts 🙂 I like the boarders under the little banner strips, it is very classy.

  • Awesome card!The black really pops those great designer papers. I love the you have included measurements. That is very sweet of you. I appreciate it because I am one that struggles trying to figure them out & often the results are bad. LOL looking forward to more inspiration.

  • Thank you, PJ. I could seriously make pink cards all the time. But not everyone likes pink, so I try to venture out to different colors. I liked this particular paper pad because I can make both feminine and masculine cards with it.

  • Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. My measurements are definitely not perfect, but they work for me. And I'm happy to share. 🙂

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